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Why use The Land Registry?
The Land Registry is responsible for suppling records of ownership and other information about land and property in the UK. There are a number of reasons why someone might want to use the Land Registry:
- To find out who owns a particular piece of land or property
- To check the boundaries of a property
- To see if there are any restrictions or rights affecting the property
- To get a copy of the title deeds for a property
- To apply to change the ownership of a property (e.g. if you are buying or selling a property)
- To register a mortgage or other charge on a property
- To apply for a “property information form” (which contains information about the property, such as its boundaries and any rights or restrictions affecting it)
Using the Land Registry can be especially useful if you are thinking of buying or selling a property, as it can help you to understand what you are buying or selling and ensure that the process is conducted smoothly.
Buy a Copy of Your Leasehold Today for Only £49
A leasehold property is one that is owned by someone (the leaseholder) for a fixed period of time, rather than in perpetuity (as with a freehold property). Leasehold properties are common in the UK, especially for flats and apartments..
Order any UK Title Plan for Only £19
A title plan (also known as a property plan or a land registry plan) is a map that shows the boundaries of a piece of land or property. It is a legal document that is used to define the extent of the property and to show any rights or restrictions that apply to it.
Purchase Your Title Register for Only £19
The title register is a legal document that contains information about the ownership and other details of a piece of land or property in the UK. It contains a number of different types of information, including: name and address of the current owner(s), mortgages or other charges on the property and more.
Why Every Property Owner Should Have a Copy of Their Leasehold Agreement
It is generally a good idea for property owners to have a copy of their leasehold agreement because it outlines the rights and responsibilities…
Continue Reading Why Every Property Owner Should Have a Copy of Their Leasehold Agreement
Should I Buy a Flat With a 60yrs Lease?
There are a few things to consider when deciding whether to buy a flat with a 60-year lease: Leasehold vs. freehold: As a leasehold…
Should I Buy a Property As a Business, Or, In My Personal Name?
There are pros and cons to both buying a property in your personal name or in a business name. If you buy a property…
Continue Reading Should I Buy a Property As a Business, Or, In My Personal Name?